What Does it Take to be the Best Yoga Teacher

Yoga is growing in the United States. There are more than 6,000 studios currently offering classes. Most owners dedicate more than half of their space to the yoga practice. And, there are more than 300 million yoga practitioners worldwide with estimates that 62 million Americans participate in some type of yoga workout. Yoga teachers make an impact on every student.

 Yoga teacher and students

Great Yoga Teachers

But what does it take to be a great yoga teacher?  The same as being a great teacher generally…and more!  Students are drawn to their teacher’s passion.  Therefore, yoga teachers who are passionate about their practice have a lasting impact on their students’ lives. They believe in the power of yoga to heal, refresh and restore – both, physically and emotionally.  The best yogis share the impact yoga has had on them personally and they are truly dedicated to educating and inspiring their students. Being prepared for classes and understanding that students are at different stages in their practice and abilities are other key attributes.  It is not enough to recite the Sanskrit poses, the best teachers guide others to their full potential and physical limits. 

A Yoga teacher needs to be:

  • Authentic
  • Caring
  • Sincere
  • Empathic
  • Empowering
  • Passionate 

The perception of a yoga studio is a reflection of the experience they have with their instructors. In order to build a successful studio, owners should understand their teachers’ communication style, method of instruction, and encourage relationships with students.

Yoga students

Cleaning during COVID

Instructors have always helped to keep the studio clean. However during COVID times, extra steps are needed to keep students safe. It takes extra time. Mat cleaning, floor cleaning, and sanitizing equipment are among the best-practices for studios. Foggers help germs from spreading. New ventilation systems and fans keep air circulating to dissipate harmful particles in the air. Also, to make yoga mat cleaning more effective, MatFresher machines are available.

Yoga student

MatFresher Yoga mat cleaning machine

In yoga, students typically bring their own mats. This brings germs from the outside to every class. Spray bottles and wipes are pretty ineffective, expensive, and chemical-based.   The best way to detox a mat is with MatFresher. MatFresher’s unique 3 step process cleans both sides by brushing away hair, dirt, and debris, applying powerful UVC germicidal light to kill up to 99.99% of the bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and applying an essential oil spritz to make the mat smell great.

As a yoga teacher, you care about each and every student. Help them make the best of their yoga experience, stay healthy and keep their mats sanitized and clean after every class. Be the leader and contact MatFresher to create new rituals.