Clean Your Yoga Mat = Heart Healthy Good Habits

February is heart health month. One in three women will die of heart diseases and one in four men. Yoga can be the answer to a healthier heart but don’t forget to clean your yoga mat.

Stress increases your risk factors for heart disease. Yoga is the perfect exercise to reduce stress.

So what can you do to take better care of your heart?

Reduce your risk factors. Eat more fruits and vegetables, stop smoking, know your risk, reduce stress and be physically active. Yoga is a perfect activity to reduce stress and keep your body active. 

Going regularly to yoga classes means you’ll be using your yoga mat often. Yoga mats are a magnet for germs. Research shows that yoga mats can harbor more germs than smartphones, toilets and airplane seats combined. 

But how can you keep your yoga mat clean?

Clean your yoga mat
Wipes and sprays are expensive and don’t really work. Clean your yoga mat effectively.

Wipes and sprays are a good start but they can miss areas. UVC light can be an option but not when it can’t penetrate the pores where pathogens love to multiply.

Peace of mind is important. A clear mind starts with a clean mat. MatFresher brushes away dirt and debris, kills germs with powerful UVC light, and sprays mats with an essential oil spritz that smells great. Isn’t it time to clean your yoga mat?

Does your gym or studio have MatFresher? MatFresher is free to studios. It doesn’t add an expense and provides a new service to your clients. MatFresher costs customers less than the price of a cup of coffee and studios share in the revenue. 

The Truth About UV Light for Sanitizing Yoga Mats

UV light can be effective for sanitizing yoga mats.
UV light can be effective for sanitizing yoga mats.

Sanitizing yoga mats with UV light is new. Consumers have become interested in ultraviolet light for sanitizing surfaces and objects.  Research shows that UVC radiation can be highly effective at disinfecting air, water and surfaces. The effectiveness of UV light depends on the amount of light, distance from the surface, and time of exposure.

Not So Simple

It’s not so simple. The surface has to be clean of debris for UVC light to work. Dirt and hair on top of harmful bacteria can make UVC useless. This means that yoga mats need more than just UV light for sanitizing them.

The UV light has to be in contact with the surface for a specific amount of time to be effective. Plus, the dosage of the bulbs matters too. According to the IES Committee on Germicidal Ultraviolet light, the ultraviolet spectral band known as the “UV-C,” from 200 to 280 nanometers (nm), have been shown to be the most effective for disinfection, although longer, less energetic UV can also disinfect if applied in much greater doses.” This means that if the dose of the UV light isn’t strong enough, the duration would need to be longer.


There is a lot of misinformation about how to clean a yoga mat. Some have tried spraying, vacuuming, scrubbing with soap and water, soaking in the bathtub, and even using the washing machine. This can be inconvenient. Plus, they can damage the mat and they don’t really work.

Why MatFresher?

MatFresher is the only hands-free, multi-step solution to clean and sanitize mats. MatFresher brushes away dirt and debris, kills germs with powerful UVC light, and applies an essential oil spritz to leave your mat smelling great. Better than that, mats are automatically rolled and ready to go in 30 seconds. Contact us to learn more.

Can your yoga mat make you sick?

Between flu season and COVID-19, everyone should take measures to stay healthy. Yoga can help boost the immune system.  However, beware of yoga mats. A clean yoga mat is a must for a  healthy practice. Believe it or not, exercise mats harbor many germs. In fact, they can have more germs than an airplane seat or a toilet. Can your yoga mat make you sick?

A Professor at Rutgers School of Medicine, Robert Lahitia, claimed, “A yoga mat is basically an inanimate object used to spread an infection.” We often wipe mats to visibly remove sweat or dirt, but most contain deep grooves that are home to hard-to-remove bacteria. A quick wipe of the mat’s surface leaves these crevices unreached. The germs that can make you sick are not removed.

Can yoga mats make you sick?

Along with various types of fungi and viruses, Lahitia also stated, “A yoga mat is a perfect incubator for many of our skin infections.” If a mat is not cleaned properly after use at a studio, the next person using it will be in contact with those germs. This can be dangerous and create a liability issue for the studio.

Studies show that the germs on yoga mats are more than the common cold germs. Without disinfecting shared mats properly, these infections can infect other members. If a student has a staph infection, those germs could be clinging to your mats.  Bacteria live longer in warm temperatures. Hot yoga practices can present even greater risks. A yoga mat can make you sick.

Members of a hot yoga class could unknowingly be practicing on a hotbed of germs making them sick.

Are your yoga mats clean?

You may think you’re safe by scrubbing the surface of a mat with bleach. Although bleach is a good disinfecting product, studies show that bleach can be harmful to your lungs. Bleach may clean the mat, but it may not get into the crevices. You could be leaving bacteria on the mat.

To avoid spreading germs, some studios advise members to bring their own mats to class. However, the same problem of spreading germs remains. There are no proven home remedies that are 100% effective for sanitizing a student’s mat.  Though the mat isn’t shared, the student can leave germs on their mat on the floor. Germs are everywhere. Household disinfectants and standard methods of cleaning aren’t truly effective.

A student’s exercise mat could still spread germs at your facility.

How can studios avoid spreading germs?

MatFresher was developed to solve the challenges of keeping mats clean. It is the only multi-sanitizing mat cleaning machine that eliminates germs. MatFresher increases studio revenue and requires no investment. It’s a machine that brings peace of mind to your facility’s sanitization process.

Here’s how the MatFresher cleaning machine works:

  1. MatFresher starts with a two-sided roller system with soft brushes to gently remove hair and debris from the mat.
  2. Next, the machine applies a powerful, germicidal UV light to the mat’s surface. This application destroys up to 99.99% of the most common bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  3. Then, an essential oil spritz is applied to the mat, making your mat smell great.
  4. Finally, MatFresher neatly rolls the mat for you and pops out the bottom. You’re on your way in 30 seconds or less.
MatFresher sanitizes yoga mats and helps studio owners increase revenue.

It’s faster than cleaning a mat at home and guarantees results. Exercise is meant to cleanse the mind and body.  Why let your yoga mat make you sick? Visit today to learn more about how your studio can increase revenue and customer satisfaction.

What Do You Mean, “Healthy, Clean and Green?”

The Need For Change

Now more than ever, sanitization is the top priority for gyms and studios. Hygiene is at the forefront of every employee’s and member’s mind. You are not alone in considering extensive measures to ensure safety and peace of mind for your clientele. Recent surveys indicate that students are not sure when they will feel secure returning to a live studio class. With this in mind, there is no room for returning to the previous methods of studio or yoga mat sanitization. Proactively promoting innovative, healthy, clean, and green cleaning practices is vital to retaining customers and growing check-ins.

The Old Way

manually cleaning yoga mat - not healthy, clean and green

Not long ago, mat cleaning was little more than a quick wipe down of a yoga mat after class – often not much more effective than shifting sweat from one place to another. As students made small talk or discussed plans for the upcoming week with a class instructor, one side of a mat typically received a haphazard cleaning, while the other side remained dirty. Even with the best intentions, any clean areas of the mat could inadvertently touch those that were still germ-ridden, and any hope of a completely sanitized mat was lost.

Whether your studio has tasked staff members with cleaning studio-owned mats or previously allowed members to bring and clean their own, the sanitization of equipment is only as effective as the effort made in doing so, and even then, effectively leaves safety up to chance.

The Problems 
Cleaning wipes

Along with providing sanitizer and masks to staff or students, your studio will undoubtedly stock mat cleaning sprays and wipes. While these measures may sound reassuring to members, there are three key problems at hand.

  1. The most powerful mat cleaning products only fulfill their purpose if utilized thoroughly, and, even then, mat bacteria may linger. After precious time spent cleaning, it’s unfortunate that germs are still clinging to your yoga and exercise mats.
  2. With wipes, sprays and mat cleaning equipment in high demand, these products will become more difficult to find and, as a result, create higher expenses for your studio. Also, with the expectation for memberships to drop due to current events, additional overhead costs are not ideal. Relying on the unpredictable availability of these supplies does not secure peace of mind among staff and studio members.
  3. Along with the precarious supply chain, exercise mat cleaners present a significant green problem. As more yoga mat wipes and sprays are utilized, the wipes and plastic containers find their way to landfills. One way to solve this challenge is to create a DIY yoga mat cleaner and recycle your bottles. While this may seemingly slow the issue of waste, many advertised methods of DIY cleaning solutions can still contain chemicals that are harsh on an exercise mat. Store-bought cleaning solutions contain chemicals that are unhealthy for close contact by humans and can damage a mat over time.

A Comprehensive Solution

rolled yoga mats

Understanding the negative effects of current yoga mat washing products and methods helps identify a healthy, clean and green solution for your studio. What if there was a system that ensures less waste, more convenience, high efficacy in killing bacteria, more health benefits, and provides a revenue-boost? What may sound too good to be true can be found in MatFresher technology.

While a plethora of products aimed at capitalizing on recent events are now available, MatFresher has been under development for nearly two years, proactively aiming to solve the sanitization problems that few previously noticed. From day one, MatFresher’s objective has been to transform the way studios and their members clean their mats. No longer must safety rely on students or staff understanding how to clean a mat properly. MatFresher provides peace of mind by cleaning mats quickly with an 99.99% effective germ killing all-natural solution. Also, MatFresher generates meaningful new revenue for your studio.

What’s Next For Your Studio

This is a turning point within the exercise industry and society as a whole. Why should your studio rely on cleaning chemicals that are not healthy for the environment, your staff and students, your yoga mats, your time, or your cleaning budget? With MatFresher, your studio community can feel confident practicing together safely with sanitized mats. Studios will enact new safety measures that limit a member’s time within the studio between classes. MatFresher provides an effective, fast and convenient way for mat washing that doesn’t disturb the flow of classes.

Never has there been as much pressure or responsibility on studio owners to get sanitization right. Let MatFresher lift the cleanliness burden cleanliness by creating a healthy, clean and green studio environment.  Learn more about the revolutionary yoga mat cleaning machine.