Yoga Mat Cleaning Machine Mitigates Post-COVID Spend

Cleanliness and sanitization is a top priority for every business. Gyms and fitness studios are no exception. Yoga mats are a magnet for germs and it’s important to clean the yoga mats in your studio. Many offered tea tree oil, sprays, or wipes to students on a minimal basis pre-COVID. But, these times have pushed owners/operators to adopt new CDC cleaning protocols and in some industries, these charges have been passed onto the consumer. It is common now for restaurants to charge customers an extra 3-5% surcharge to make up for lost revenues. When every dollar matters, one way to help improve cleanliness and add to the bottom line is with MatFresher, the yoga mat cleaning machine.

time is money

Installing a MatFresher yoga mat cleaning machine in your studio can help you sanitize yoga mats and increase revenues. The best part is that MatFresher is free. Here’s how you can influence your students to use MatFresher.

Here are four ways to keep cleaning expenses down and get your students to use MatFresher, the yoga mat cleaning machine. 

  1. Make clean mats mandatory. Many students have a relationship with their yoga mat. It’s loved and cherished but who knows where it’s been? Ask students to clean their outside mats right when they enter the studio. This will create a new check-in ritual and help keep your yoga studio germ-free. Have students who rent mats clean it at the MatFresher to show others how easy it is to use. 
  2. Make a partner pledge. Ask students to do their share in keeping the studio open and safe by asking them to pledge a clean mat after every class… or at the very least once a week. Have them sign a board that they’ve cleaned their mat and raffle off a free class or yoga mat to the person with the most cleans in a month.
  3. Show and tell. You may not feel comfortable mandating people to clean their mats, but you can show them how to use the MatFresher. Simply designate certain desk, instructors or ambassadors to bring one student to the MatFresher machine after each class. People follow others when they see something going on Plus the first few cleans are free for everyone. 
  4. Tell them all about it. You have many ways to reach your customers. Social media, newsletters, and word of mouth are some. Make sure you are getting the message out about having a MatFresher in your studio. If they don’t know about it, how can they know to use it. You know best what works for your clients. 

MatFresher is a new tool to clean and sanitize your yoga mats for free. In fact, using MatFresher in your studio helps increase your bottom line. Your studio earns money for every clean yoga mat sanitized with MatFresher, 


Clean Your Yoga Mat = Heart Healthy Good Habits

February is heart health month. One in three women will die of heart diseases and one in four men. Yoga can be the answer to a healthier heart but don’t forget to clean your yoga mat.

Stress increases your risk factors for heart disease. Yoga is the perfect exercise to reduce stress.

So what can you do to take better care of your heart?

Reduce your risk factors. Eat more fruits and vegetables, stop smoking, know your risk, reduce stress and be physically active. Yoga is a perfect activity to reduce stress and keep your body active. 

Going regularly to yoga classes means you’ll be using your yoga mat often. Yoga mats are a magnet for germs. Research shows that yoga mats can harbor more germs than smartphones, toilets and airplane seats combined. 

But how can you keep your yoga mat clean?

Clean your yoga mat
Wipes and sprays are expensive and don’t really work. Clean your yoga mat effectively.

Wipes and sprays are a good start but they can miss areas. UVC light can be an option but not when it can’t penetrate the pores where pathogens love to multiply.

Peace of mind is important. A clear mind starts with a clean mat. MatFresher brushes away dirt and debris, kills germs with powerful UVC light, and sprays mats with an essential oil spritz that smells great. Isn’t it time to clean your yoga mat?

Does your gym or studio have MatFresher? MatFresher is free to studios. It doesn’t add an expense and provides a new service to your clients. MatFresher costs customers less than the price of a cup of coffee and studios share in the revenue. 

Share the Love with your Clients with Complimentary Yoga Mat Cleaning

February is here and Valentine’s Day is coming – the day when lovers and loved ones express affection with greetings, cards, and chocolates. Around the country, exercise enthusiasts are returning indoors to workout and enjoy fitness classes. It’s time to show your members the “love”.  MatFresher is the only yoga mat cleaning machine that loves your studio and clients. Here are 3 ways to share the love with your clients.

3 Ways to Share the Love with Your Clients

share the love
Show members the love. Yoga mat cleaning with MatFresher.
  1. Buddy Pass. A great promotion for the month of February is selling a buddy pass. For some gyms and studios, one more person taking up space with limited numbers due to COVID restrictions can be a challenge but, a buddy pass for the month can bring in additional referrals and revenue. Friends gift buddy passes for free virtual classes and then attend in-studio class together.
  2. Clean their mat for them. A sign of affection is doing something nice for someone else. What better way to say “I love you” then sanitizing their yoga mat. Have each instructor bring out one special member (or two or three) to your MatFresher. Then clean their mat. With MatFresher every new student gets three free cleans! In addition, your instructor will be their hero and it won’t cost a thing.
  3. Call them by their first name. It’s not easy getting to know every student’s name. It shows you care. Take photos of each student and then place them on a wall in the shape of a heart. Students can take their own picture with an inexpensive Polaroid camera and share in the love. 

If your studio doesn’t have MatFresher yet, now is the time to get on board. Love your students a little more by giving them an easy-to-use, novel way to clean their yoga mats in under 30 seconds. 

clean yoga mats = happy students
Friends clean their yoga mat together.

Why MatFresher?

MatFresher is the only hands-free, multi-step solution to clean and sanitize mats. MatFresher brushes away dirt and debris, kills germs with powerful UVC light, and applies a great smelling essential oil spritz. Mats are then neatly rolled and ready-to-go in 30 seconds! 


The Truth About UV Light for Sanitizing Yoga Mats

UV light can be effective for sanitizing yoga mats.
UV light can be effective for sanitizing yoga mats.

Sanitizing yoga mats with UV light is new. Consumers have become interested in ultraviolet light for sanitizing surfaces and objects.  Research shows that UVC radiation can be highly effective at disinfecting air, water and surfaces. The effectiveness of UV light depends on the amount of light, distance from the surface, and time of exposure.

Not So Simple

It’s not so simple. The surface has to be clean of debris for UVC light to work. Dirt and hair on top of harmful bacteria can make UVC useless. This means that yoga mats need more than just UV light for sanitizing them.

The UV light has to be in contact with the surface for a specific amount of time to be effective. Plus, the dosage of the bulbs matters too. According to the IES Committee on Germicidal Ultraviolet light, the ultraviolet spectral band known as the “UV-C,” from 200 to 280 nanometers (nm), have been shown to be the most effective for disinfection, although longer, less energetic UV can also disinfect if applied in much greater doses.” This means that if the dose of the UV light isn’t strong enough, the duration would need to be longer.


There is a lot of misinformation about how to clean a yoga mat. Some have tried spraying, vacuuming, scrubbing with soap and water, soaking in the bathtub, and even using the washing machine. This can be inconvenient. Plus, they can damage the mat and they don’t really work.

Why MatFresher?

MatFresher is the only hands-free, multi-step solution to clean and sanitize mats. MatFresher brushes away dirt and debris, kills germs with powerful UVC light, and applies an essential oil spritz to leave your mat smelling great. Better than that, mats are automatically rolled and ready to go in 30 seconds. Contact us to learn more.

What Does it Take to be the Best Yoga Teacher

Yoga is growing in the United States. There are more than 6,000 studios currently offering classes. Most owners dedicate more than half of their space to the yoga practice. And, there are more than 300 million yoga practitioners worldwide with estimates that 62 million Americans participate in some type of yoga workout. Yoga teachers make an impact on every student.

 Yoga teacher and students

Great Yoga Teachers

But what does it take to be a great yoga teacher?  The same as being a great teacher generally…and more!  Students are drawn to their teacher’s passion.  Therefore, yoga teachers who are passionate about their practice have a lasting impact on their students’ lives. They believe in the power of yoga to heal, refresh and restore – both, physically and emotionally.  The best yogis share the impact yoga has had on them personally and they are truly dedicated to educating and inspiring their students. Being prepared for classes and understanding that students are at different stages in their practice and abilities are other key attributes.  It is not enough to recite the Sanskrit poses, the best teachers guide others to their full potential and physical limits. 

A Yoga teacher needs to be:

  • Authentic
  • Caring
  • Sincere
  • Empathic
  • Empowering
  • Passionate 

The perception of a yoga studio is a reflection of the experience they have with their instructors. In order to build a successful studio, owners should understand their teachers’ communication style, method of instruction, and encourage relationships with students.

Yoga students

Cleaning during COVID

Instructors have always helped to keep the studio clean. However during COVID times, extra steps are needed to keep students safe. It takes extra time. Mat cleaning, floor cleaning, and sanitizing equipment are among the best-practices for studios. Foggers help germs from spreading. New ventilation systems and fans keep air circulating to dissipate harmful particles in the air. Also, to make yoga mat cleaning more effective, MatFresher machines are available.

Yoga student

MatFresher Yoga mat cleaning machine

In yoga, students typically bring their own mats. This brings germs from the outside to every class. Spray bottles and wipes are pretty ineffective, expensive, and chemical-based.   The best way to detox a mat is with MatFresher. MatFresher’s unique 3 step process cleans both sides by brushing away hair, dirt, and debris, applying powerful UVC germicidal light to kill up to 99.99% of the bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and applying an essential oil spritz to make the mat smell great.

As a yoga teacher, you care about each and every student. Help them make the best of their yoga experience, stay healthy and keep their mats sanitized and clean after every class. Be the leader and contact MatFresher to create new rituals. 

Three Things to Learn from COVID for Studios Owners

There is endless talk about COVID-19 and how it’s been affecting fitness and small boutique fitness studios. Although many face mandatory closings, limited class sizes and other restrictions, there is a little sunshine from the tragedy. This is a great time to re-evaluate how you’re doing business.  Taking a hard look at expenses is never easy, but is always a good step to increasing overall profits. With a little extra time on your hands, consider these three things to learn from COVID for studio owners.

Improvements to learn from COVID for studio owners

1. Staff. The most valuable part of any business is the people that come in contact with customers. Now is a good time to evaluate who’s working for you and how they handle your most precious asset: your customers. During the pandemic, many people were let go…Who will you bring back may take some evaluation. You may rethink your front desk staffing in total. Many front desk workers are paid minimum wage to keep expenses down. Minimum wage may bring minimum excitement to the job. Think about other creative ways for staffing from trading membership for staff help to discounting memberships for those who help volunteer in sales and staffing.
Students with clean mats

2. POS Systems. Having your customers easily book services and pay for them is key to a successful business. There are many booking platforms on the market. Now is a good time to start looking if there is a better solution for your studio. Ask your customers which platforms they have used in the past and which they prefer. Have your staff contribute to the conversation. Since many instructors work at multiple studios, they may have experience with the new platform you are considering. Also, talk to other studio owners about which systems they use to help better determine which one is best for you.
Studio systems

3. Adding Revenue Streams. As much as you need to examine expenses to improve financial performance, look for where you can add profitable new revenue.   Online streaming and on-demand classes have blown up due to stay-at-home restrictions. So, adding live stream and on-demand classes for  your following is a must. Other revenue streams include items you can sell when you fully reopen.  MatFresher cleaning machines help generate new revenue without any upfront or on-going cost. MatFresher keeps your customers’ mats sanitized while you make money with every clean. A MatFresher clean takes only 30 seconds, bringing peace of mind to staff and members while helping to stop the spread of germs. And don’t forget logo apparel, water, power snacks and other grab-n-go items.. Every dollar adds to the bottom line and your studio’s overall success.
Revenue and profits

Take respite and make long-term lemonade out of the short-term lemons COVID has brought to small businesses like yours. Start by contacting MatFresher and begin implementing the things to learn from COVID for studio owners.  

How to increase studio profitability

Business owners must continuously find new ways to attract members and revenue. Here’s one way you can increase profitability.

Losing money
Every penny counts to be profitable.

Safety procedures for sanitizing facilities have never been more important. People do not realize regular disinfecting spray or wipes are not enough to truly clean their mat.

Eliminate germs while finding a new revenue stream to become profitable.

A mat is a perfect incubator for many of our skin infections. Mats have contagions lurking on them including strep, flesh-eating strep (yikes!), and a variety of staph, including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). These do not go away with just sprays or wipes. When they hang out, they can cause real problems. 

Feel safe, more effective than cleaning supplies

While members and staff may have previously considered mat sprays or wipes as sufficient sanitation measures, heightened concerns have led to higher expectations for how to keep their mats free of harmful germs. Providing the most effective and convenient method of cleaning a mat can be an important element in retaining and expanding your clientele while making staff feel safer.

The MatFresher mat cleaning machine is a game-changer! MatFresher will kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi, removing the guesswork from sanitization keeping your members safe and clean. Plus it happens in under 30 seconds.

MatFresher is the perfect partner for your business and your staff. Returning staff may have concerns about safety and sanitation. The MatFresher cleaning technology will help you re-opening at scale while giving staff peace-of-mind and confidence in safety.

MatFresher also provides added value as a revenue-driver for your gym and studios. More effective than DIY yoga soaps or harsh antimicrobial chemicals, MatFresher is an encouragement to attend class in person and then EARNS YOU NEW REVENUE with each check-in. MatFresher creates a new residual revenue stream for your business.

Compare how MatFresher saves money
Save money with MatFresher and feel confidently clean

How MatFresher works for gyms and studios:

  1. Schedule an introduction Simply schedule a call with one of our yogi’s to learn more about MatFresher and to request machines for your studio today.
  2. Get MatFresher Once you sign up to be a MatFresher studio, we will coordinate a convenient delivery time for your studio. Roll it in, plug it in and turn it on.
  3. Clean with MatFresher With the MatFresher installed in your gym or studio, your students and staff can use it for mat washes before and after class.

MatFresher can increase profitability by providing a new income stream for your studio during COVID. This will bring peace-of-mind to your members. The machine does not cost you anything, so you can focus on increasing your bottom line. Contact us to schedule a free demo today.

Can your yoga mat make you sick?

Between flu season and COVID-19, everyone should take measures to stay healthy. Yoga can help boost the immune system.  However, beware of yoga mats. A clean yoga mat is a must for a  healthy practice. Believe it or not, exercise mats harbor many germs. In fact, they can have more germs than an airplane seat or a toilet. Can your yoga mat make you sick?

A Professor at Rutgers School of Medicine, Robert Lahitia, claimed, “A yoga mat is basically an inanimate object used to spread an infection.” We often wipe mats to visibly remove sweat or dirt, but most contain deep grooves that are home to hard-to-remove bacteria. A quick wipe of the mat’s surface leaves these crevices unreached. The germs that can make you sick are not removed.

Can yoga mats make you sick?

Along with various types of fungi and viruses, Lahitia also stated, “A yoga mat is a perfect incubator for many of our skin infections.” If a mat is not cleaned properly after use at a studio, the next person using it will be in contact with those germs. This can be dangerous and create a liability issue for the studio.

Studies show that the germs on yoga mats are more than the common cold germs. Without disinfecting shared mats properly, these infections can infect other members. If a student has a staph infection, those germs could be clinging to your mats.  Bacteria live longer in warm temperatures. Hot yoga practices can present even greater risks. A yoga mat can make you sick.

Members of a hot yoga class could unknowingly be practicing on a hotbed of germs making them sick.

Are your yoga mats clean?

You may think you’re safe by scrubbing the surface of a mat with bleach. Although bleach is a good disinfecting product, studies show that bleach can be harmful to your lungs. Bleach may clean the mat, but it may not get into the crevices. You could be leaving bacteria on the mat.

To avoid spreading germs, some studios advise members to bring their own mats to class. However, the same problem of spreading germs remains. There are no proven home remedies that are 100% effective for sanitizing a student’s mat.  Though the mat isn’t shared, the student can leave germs on their mat on the floor. Germs are everywhere. Household disinfectants and standard methods of cleaning aren’t truly effective.

A student’s exercise mat could still spread germs at your facility.

How can studios avoid spreading germs?

MatFresher was developed to solve the challenges of keeping mats clean. It is the only multi-sanitizing mat cleaning machine that eliminates germs. MatFresher increases studio revenue and requires no investment. It’s a machine that brings peace of mind to your facility’s sanitization process.

Here’s how the MatFresher cleaning machine works:

  1. MatFresher starts with a two-sided roller system with soft brushes to gently remove hair and debris from the mat.
  2. Next, the machine applies a powerful, germicidal UV light to the mat’s surface. This application destroys up to 99.99% of the most common bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  3. Then, an essential oil spritz is applied to the mat, making your mat smell great.
  4. Finally, MatFresher neatly rolls the mat for you and pops out the bottom. You’re on your way in 30 seconds or less.
MatFresher sanitizes yoga mats and helps studio owners increase revenue.

It’s faster than cleaning a mat at home and guarantees results. Exercise is meant to cleanse the mind and body.  Why let your yoga mat make you sick? Visit today to learn more about how your studio can increase revenue and customer satisfaction.

The Cleaner the Mat, the Clearer the Mind

“Saucha” According to Wikipedia, “Saucha”  refers to the purity of mind, speech, and body.  Yoga is associated with purifying and clearing the mind. But how often do we emphasize the impact of cleanliness on a practice? The cleaner the mat, the clearer the mind.

Saucha’s applies to the body and the environment. Our environment includes our equipment, like yoga mats. Thus, having a clean mat is essential. Staying in tune with the naturalness of yoga, cleaning your mat should be done without harsh chemicals. Cleanliness should be achieved through methods that don’t harm the environment. Many cleaning products like bleach can harm both the environment and the body. MatFresher is a one-stop solution to safely sanitize and clean yoga mats.

It is the only multi-sanitizing mat cleaning machine that seeks to promote Saucha. Yoga studios and gyms use MatFresher so that students and staff can safely clean a mat before and after class.

How does MatFresher work?

  1. Before sanitizing, MatFresher uses a two-sided roller system with soft brushes to gently remove hair and debris from the mat.
  2. Then, the machine applies a powerful, germicidal UV light to the mat’s surface. This application destroys up to 99.99% of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  3. Next, a 100% all-natural cleaning solution sanitizes the mat. This chemical-free solution is 120x more effective than bleach and provides a fresh, undistracting scent.
  4. Finally, MatFresher neatly and automatically rolls the mat for you so you’re on your way in 30 seconds or less.

MatFresher’s main purpose is to promote cleanliness for the body and mind. When the concept of MatFresher was born, the premise that a clean environment is crucial to a clear mind.

MatFresher cleaning machines decrease the use of disposable wipes and spray containers. It uses a completely all-natural cleaning solution that is safe for the air and human skin. It uses germicidal light to deactivate germs. . We maintain balance when we protect our bodies against germs and chemicals. When the body is healthy, peace of mind is possible, and this is what we seek when we practice yoga.

Schedule a demo at to learn more about how MatFresher can promote yoga mat Saucha at your studio. Learn what makes MatFresher different from other mat cleaning machines:

Mat Cleaning Machine Comparison

Mat Cleaning Comparison

New CDC cleaning protocols ensure the safety of staff and customers and have resulted in a proliferation of vendors selling cleaning technologies with efficacy claims that are not always easy to understand.

UVC light, to eradicate pathogens on exercise and yoga mats, is one such example. Despite some companies’ claims, a couple of bulbs in their machine, no matter how expensive, does little to make studio-owned mats safe for staff to handle or for customer-owned mats to use.

MatFresher, the patent-pending mat cleaning machine, offers a number of advantages in safety, convenience and cost. Here’s a comparison of MatFresher to Matsana.

UVC Can Be Effective

First, it’s important to understand that UVC light is proven to be highly effective in sanitizing surfaces. Unfortunately, it’s not so simple as just turning on a switch. Two critical requirements are that 1) the proper amount or dosage is applied and 2) the surface is flat.


According to international public safety and health organizations, the UVC “gold standard” to provide protection from disease-causing microorganisms is at least 40,000 microwatts per centimeter squared. Cleaning machines that output less don’t meet that standard. And they can’t be relied on to effectively remove 99.99% of bacteria and viruses — as specified by the National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF).

What About Hair and Dirt?

UV light and cleaning liquids can’t remove hair, dust and dirt. Recommendations by vendors to towel clean a mat before you use their machine seems senseless – and totally unhygienic. And what about the added expense of the wipes and towels? When selecting your cleaning machine, look for one that starts with bristle brushes, the third cleaning modality, to effectively eliminate these problems.

Sweaty, Smelly Mats

Hot yoga is popular. And mats become soaked with sweat. No wonder they emit that awful smell know as “yogaroma”! Why is it then that some vendors advise that “mat health” requires drying a mat before using their machine? Following a vendor’s instructions and manually drying a mat means that the health of the user has been forgotten.

How Much Does This Cost?

While it’s true there are vendors selling machines that don’t actually do what they advertise, it’s NOT true that well-engineered machines need to cost you money. During times like these, owner/operators can least afford to invest in cleaning products. It’s important to identify products that MAKE you money instead of cost you money while keeping staff and students safe. Contact us to learn more about MatFresher, the true mat cleaning solution.